CPI Spanish Onsite | Spanish Online | Why Costa Rica
Webinar CPI

Looking to further expand your cultural understanding of medicine and associated practices in Costa Rica while perfecting your Spanish skills?

We invite you to take advantage of our live, face-to-face sessions with experienced native, professors. Classes incorporate use of an on-screen whiteboard and relevant practical exercises, allowing classes to be fully interactive accompanied by real-time clarifications.

The schedule can organized to your personal needs with a 20-hour private program being a great first step ($668.61 promotional rate with the free webinar event); for advancement we recommend 90 minute sessions twice weekly.

Signing up is simple!

Confirm by email to info@cpi-edu.com your day preference (Monday or Tuesday)

  • for former & current students we will activate your registration
  • for new students we will contact to you to get you set up!
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Centro Panamericano de Idiomas