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2 week SUMMER PROGRAM: AGGIES IN COSTA RICA with Dr. Jeff Longwell
(Saturday, July 24th - Sunday, August 8th, 2021)
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in only two weeks boletin 2 nmsu

Currently in SPAN 111 – will get 4 credits for SPAN 112

Currently in SPAN 112 – will get 6 credits for SPAN 211 & 212

Currently in SPAN 211 – will get 6 credits for SPAN 212 & 305

Currently SPAN 212 – will get 6 credits for SPAN 305 & 325

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Arrive before:

With a total of 4 weeks in Costa Rica you can receive a 3 credit waiver for one Viewing the Wider World course; this happens upon your return and presentation of the certificate of completion and petition with your college records office. OR if you are in 112 or above, 2 added on weeks equals 3 more credits.

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To sign up contact Professor Longwell at
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Phone Whatsapp Facetime Email

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Centro Panamericano de Idiomas